Equipment Mover σειρά FM

● For professional transport of heavy weight items.

● Ideal for delivery,removal, maintenance and assembly applications

● For switch cupboards,safes,containers and machinery.

● sold in one set only.


Ideal for moving large and heavy equipment or machinery in manufacturing facilities and warehouses. Manufacturers of construction, mining, and agricultural equipment are just a few of the industries that routinely handle heavy assemblies and equipment.Large forklifts, overhead cranes, and in-floor track systems are the most common method for moving heavy equipment. They do have their advantages because they can get the load moving but they also have disadvantages with cost, efficiency, and flexibility.This FM series furniture mover(equipment mover) can be Safely Handled by Just One Operator, it is designed with a Durable Lifting Mechanism.


i-Lift NO.191210119121021912103
Χωρητικότητα φόρτωσηςkg (λίβρες)1800(3960)
Ανύψωση ύψουςmm (σε.)100(4)250(10)
Ανυψωτική πλάκαWxD(mm)(in.)600x60(23.6x2.4)
Wheel.Polyurethanemm (σε.)Φ150(6)
Συνολικό μέγεθοςLxWxH(mm)(in.)680x420x1000(26.8x16.5x40)680x380x1000(26.8x15x40)
Καθαρό βάροςkg(in.)80(176)86(189.2)

Equipment Mover κατασκευαστής:

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